Ilhm Center intends to carry out research, training, consulting and assistance activities with particular reference to the following topics:
- Improving managerial culture in the digital healthcare, through advanced training in the area of leadership, technological and organizational transformation;
- Human resources management, organizational analysis and processes, performance monitoring and evaluation for empowerment and innovation;
- Smart health technologies and connected care industry for the home caring and assistive medicine;
- Big data,algorithms, data technologies and artificial intelligence in the precision medicine approach;
- Predictive and personalized medicine. Accessibility , Sustainability and Ethics .
- Financial dynamics for care-innovation and key performance indicators in public and private healthcare organizations ;
- Value chains and cross specialties contaminations for the care pathway management;;
- Risk management, medical auditing and liability system public health ;
- Supply chain and advanced healthcare logistics and e-procurement models
- Network strategic models and cooperative alliances in health organizations;
- M & A and governance of health care complex structures;
- Private equity, angel investors and startups in the biomedical and life science industry.